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How to Increase or Boost a Low Microphone Volume on any Samsung Galaxy Phone

If you have some problems your Samsung Galaxy S II, which has a lower microphone volume levels, from the discovery of some of the people you call to complain that they can not hear you clearly. This is useful when some of the user experience on their Galaxy S II microphone volume this problem.

This problem can only occur in the "call" state, and if the application is running recorder and speak normally, you will find that it records, and quite clear. Some forums reported that they were about to return back to their low microphone repair of Galaxy S II. But here are some tips that you can first try to see if this works, you have to decide before going back to the service center.

This trick is too simple, there is nothing to worry about, just do some clicks your menu around, do less than this step:

Samsung Galaxy S2 increase microphone volume

1. Set the microphone input level "Noise Reduction" is turned off. You can press the Menu button to do this, while in a call, and then press the "Noise Reduction Off."
Samsung Galaxy S2 to increase the microphone volume.

1. Setting the mic input level while the 'Noise Reduction' is turned off. You can do this 

by pressing thmenu button while in call status then press the "Noise Reduction Off".
- Type this code on your Galaxy S2  dial pad *#*#197328640#*#*
- A number coded menu will then show.
- Now press  [5] AUDIO
- Next [1] NB (VOICE CALL)
- Next [1] HANDSET
- Next [1] VOLUME
-Next  [1]SRC SPEECH RX Volume
- Then [5]5_lvl: 90 ( the 90 is the input value of the microphone volume level, yours might have a different value than 90. Just remember the default value of yours so that you can use it to revert it back again)

Now, there are provisions of the "Input" line on the window. You want to edit or change the input values can be done by pressing the menu button, then the "key input." Write 110 as the new maximum microphone input level, then press "OK" It's like you adjust the audio amplifier volume knob, the maximum loudness.

2. Setting the mic input level while the 'Noise Reduction' is turned On.

- Press the menu button then the "Back". You may press 4 times until you will  return back from where you will see the Audio Setting  and the [1] NB (VOICE CALL) is in the first line.
- This time, press [7] HANDSET(2MIC) 
- Next [1] HANDSET
- Next [1] VOLUME
- Next  [1]SRC SPEECH RX Volume
- Then [5]5_lvl: 90( Edit this input value like the number you have just write down from above) 

I have shown this technique to work on my Galaxy S II Android phone, but only the specific problem is that once you reboot, it will automatically revert to the default input level setting or restart your phone. So, if you want to keep it permanently, never find a way to restart the phone or your cell phone's battery life. So, I hope this works for you also. What "key to entering." Write 110 as the new maximum microphone input level, then press "OK" It's like you adjust the audio amplifier volume knob, the maximum loudness.


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